330.627.5124 info@cccaeagles.com

Philosophy of Education

Carroll County Christian Academy is a ministry of Carrollton Baptist Temple. CCCA is founded upon the belief that man is created in the image of God. The purpose of Christian education is to renew the mind in the knowledge and after the image of Him that created him (Colossians 3:10). God’s Word, the Bible, is truth (John 17:7); therefore, all education should be based on God’s Word in order to recognize the rightful place of God as being pre-eminent in all things. All subjects are studied from a Biblical point of view as taught by Carrollton Baptist Temple (Colossians 1:18).

As an institution for Christian education, it is expected that the faculty administration of Carroll County Christian Academyreveal Jesus Christ to each student by utilizing the Christ-centered curriculum and living lives that are Christ-honoring. The total objective of our Christian education program is to provide the opportunity for each student to develop spiritually, intellectually, socially, physically, and aesthetically to the highest degree of which he is capable according to the abilities God has given him.

Carroll County Christian Academy operates with a traditional philosophy towards education. By traditional education, we mean the following:

  1. The teacher is the authority in the classroom.
  2. The teacher is responsible for providing a structured atmosphere of order in which the students will learn.
  3. The teacher has the authority to administer discipline to each child.
  4. The teacher assigns homework regularly and expects it to be completed on time.
  5. Our textbooks are God-centered, which teach spiritual truths, morality, and patriotism.
  6. The curriculum is paced for the average to above average student.
  7. Drill work and memorization are key tools in instruction.
  8. Reading is taught by the phonetic method.
  9. The teacher is professional in manner but servant-minded.
  10. True learning takes place in this order:
    1. Control
    2. Communication
    3. Learning
  11. Rules and standards are not obsolete and outdated.
  12. We are in opposition to progressive education in which the emphasis is on the following:
  13. Questioning absolutes
  14. Experimentation (in these areas but not limited to teaching methods, psychology, philosophies, etc.)
  15. The innate goodness of man
  16. The suppressive nature of discipline
  17. The relativity of all things (including morals)
  18. The omitting of God and His Word from the educational process

We hold that Christian education is a mandate from God (Matthew 28:18-20). Because of Scripture verses like Proverbs 19:27; 22:6; Deut. 6:6-9; and Col. 2:8, we feel we must provide an atmosphere for the family more conducive to the precepts of the Bible.

We support parents who teach their children morals such as: truthfulness, purity, honesty, patriotism, faithfulness, and a high regard for standards. We accept God’s Word as the final authority. Our school is a ministry of Carrollton Baptist Temple. We exist because of Carrollton Baptist Temple’s burden for Christian education and attempt to operate in harmony with our supporting parents.